Friday, January 13, 2017

Top Reasons Why I would Not Vote for Him

Here are the TOP Reasons I will not vote for Trump (or anyone like him)…ever.

I fully believe that he is a racist and a bigot. I believe that he thinks he is “better” than others of other races, colors, nationality, gender, income level, religion, etc. I feel that he is helping to spread the hatred of racism and bigotry more now than I have ever seen in my lifetime.
I fully believe he has no respect for the military, military families who have lost loved ones, those who have given their lives for our country, etc. Say what you want, but I fully believe he thinks he knows more than all the high ranking military officials out there who have decades of knowledge and experience. He tells the black community that they should support him because they have nothing to lose, What about their rights? Their healthcare? We ALL have something to lose by voting for him. He is so hateful and vulgar.

I believe he is immature, child-like, easy to bait, and a bully. He reminds me of a 7 year old boy on the playground who thinks he is better than everyone else. He is easy to get raging. He takes the bait on anything and starts acting mean and nasty. He cannot admit he is wrong. He is like a fit throwing child. He is full of drama and over-acting just like a hateful or naughty bully. He simply cannot be or even act like a successful, professional, knowledgeable person. His temperament is better for the playground or the casino than our White House. 

I feel he falls for every conspiracy, rumor, and lie that is out there, spreads them and makes them worse. Must I mention the “birther” issue, the rumors he started saying that both Cruz and Rubio weren’t eligible to be President either, that a certain war hero wasn’t really a hero, that W lied about the mass destruction weapons, that actually Hillary started the “birther” issue, and many others over time? He either falls for everything he hears, or he actually makes up lies and then gets them spread. Again, idiotic, uneducated nonsense.

Could I step back a moment and mention the term Eminent Domain? Please go look it up if you don’t know what this means! Please do! Now! He supports this very strongly. If you do not understand why this is important, please go research!

I fully believe that he is ignorant of almost every single thing a President should know. I did not say stupid. He COULD gain this knowledge. But he’s too full of himself to even try! He could research things and get the actual information. Why should he? People believe his BS so he doesn’t need to bother. I do not think we have ever had a more unintelligent nominee of the basics of the Job he’s running for.

I fully believe that he knows nothing about the US Constitution – and that he only cares about the rights he wants for himself and his people (you know, those other rich, conservative (LOL), white men). He could care less about my rights as a woman, or the future rights of my daughter. He could care less that blacks have the same rights as whites. When it comes to this so-called “religious freedom” he only cares about the mainstream religion he claims to be a part of (though he’s the most Un-Christian candidate I’ve ever seen). He doesn’t think other races, religions, genders, nationalities even have or need the same rights. And forget about anything referring to LGBT rights. You can throw all that out the door.

Speaking of which, my next point – he is totally against all LGBT rights and doesn’t think that they should have any. In fact, he has chosen a running mate, and several others who are already part of this stupid “pray away the gay” idiocy. They want nothing more than to take us back a decade when we just finally got this far. A vote for him is a vote against the future of same sex marriage, unions between any same sex couple, adoption for these folks, and any other rights that the NON-LGMT community have.

He ATTRACTS white supremacists, racists, hate filled souls, and other deplorable folks. And yes, if you fall into these categories I find you one of the deplorables. Go wear your white sheets somewhere else. We do not need a President to attract these types of fans or friends. That is ruinous for our country.

I fully believe he could CARE LESS about our healthcare, or lack thereof. He doesn’t want to provide any type of healthcare for the poor. He doesn’t care about the poor. He thinks everything is bought and paid for but cannot ever understand that we have working poor, elderly poor, young, and middle aged poor. He cares nothing about these people. He doesn’t even understand ANYTHING about healthcare, the system; the needs. He has no real plan for that either. He cannot even have a smart discussion on the issue.

He surrounds himself with people I would not want to spend any time with. In fact, I am almost certain I would really dislike them. These haters and fakers and flakes belong nowhere near a Presidential candidate.

He cannot be trusted. If I cannot trust him to even TRY to look up a few things, to try and come up with some talking points that are true, can I trust him even a bit? No. I don’t think he is trustworthy and I think he is actually a liar, and a horrible one at that.

He is spiteful, mean and vengeful. I do not think he needs to be in charge of the economy, the military, war, weapons, etc. He lives to get revenge and show it off (have you read his books?). He will go after anyone, for any reason. I feel he will drive us to death, war and destruction. He has virtually alienated several large groups of people across the world. He is not a man we can expect to be in the White House and play well with others.

He does not speak with actions at this point, only words. He stands up and says we need jobs. We need manufacturing, we must have it. Yet his OWN companies make their products in other countries. If he wants to talk about jobs – he should move his own manufacturing to the US.
He’s totally caught on Trump University! Say no more.

He changes his mind on everything. The thing is, I really don’t think he even has a point of view. I think he goes with whatever is popular at the time, whatever gets him ratings. He wanted to be against Obama so he started the birther thing. Now he tries to say it’s over but he still won’t admit he started it. He was all IN FAVOR of the amnesty bill a few years ago. Remember? I do! But now he’s calling out all immigrants and wants to deport, restrict, and build a wall.

Have I mentioned his view on immigration sets us back a hundred years? Have I mentioned it tears apart families? What about the children who lose their mother or father because they get deported? Maybe it takes the father 3 years to get back? The children are paying here. The families are and will be ripped apart. This is NOT the way to handle it with a “blanket” approach.
Have I mentioned his stupid wall? I mean, let’s be real here people. It’s stupid. It’s not feasible. It is NEVER going to happen. And if it did, it would go directly against EVERYTHING our country once stood for.

Another very, very important thing is this – the next President will appoint the Supreme Court Justice seat now, and possibly more over the next 4-8 years. THAT ALONE is reason to NEVER vote for this man and his cronies! He could care less about my constitutional rights.

I do not believe he is a Republican, at least not in the general sense. I don’t believe he fits with any party. He’s a one man crazy show! He flips and flops from one party to another, up on one issue, then later he’s down on it.

He has no real policies, no real plans. Just listen to him. Really listen. He will say “it’s going to be great!” or something like “this plan is going to be huge” but he will never actually talk about any real plan. The man HAS NO actual plans or policies. He has NOT platform other than he loves himself, and he hates others.

Lastly, I will never vote for this man because our children are watching. I want to be able to say to our children – we care about you, we care about your future, your environment, your WATER SUPPLY, your future (and CURRENT) health and well-being, your rights to be happy, to love, to marry, to have children of your own, you right to an education, to a job, to the American Dream. A vote for this man is saying you care nothing about that. I would never be able to vote for such a person, such a GROUP and look my daughter in the eye.

I’ll end it here folks. I could write MANY more pages but I realize it is up to each and every person to make their own decision. I realize there are those out there who will vote for him SIMPLY BECAUSE they don't "like" Hillary. You know what? That's a horrible reason. I don't care at this point. Not liking someone is nowhere near as bad as realizing how horrendous this man would be for most of Americans. I hope we all make the right decision..... I’m making the only one my heart, my soul, and my mind will allow me to make.

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